Saturday, June 6, 2009

Parenting Skillz

It's official. 

Nate and I have turned into bonafide parents. The change happened virtually overnight with the arrival of Layla, but I hadn't really noticed until I had a few moments of peace to reflect on our new family. There are a couple of blaring indications that we've made the jump to parenthood - and of course, I plan on sharing just a few.

1. We now have a Diaper Genie parked next to the regular trash can in the kitchen. Any time we need to dispose of an "accident" or puppy pad, it goes into the Diaper Genie. This thing is amazing. Designed to block out the foulest dirty diaper smells possible, it successfully hides the processed dog food coming out of Layla. I'm seriously considering using the Diaper Genie for all of our trash products.

No, seriously. I wonder if I should invest in stock?

2. As most of you know, I live in Heidelberg which is a solid 2.5 hours away from Nate and Layla. I hadn't seen Layla in about four days and I kid you not, I spent a full 20 minutes ooohing and aaaahing over how much she'd grown since I'd last seen her. I couldn't get over how big her paws had gotten and how even her head seemed to be growing. I felt like pulling out a camera to document this "new" development (I did, by the way). If that doesn't scream new parent - I don't know what does.

I mean, really - everything changes when it's your "child". Sure, there are others that do cute things, but it's not OUR puppy...Clearly our puppy's growth should be documented...Did I mention we're working on a coffee table book?

3. We have baby gates on two of our doors - one to the guest bedroom and one to the kitchen - so our furry child doesn't get herself into trouble. We consider these an investment.

4. We watch all of the puppy training videos and have Ceasar Millan on DVD. Had there been a "what to expect when you're expecting" book for dogs, we would have it on book AND on iPod so we could listen to it in the car.

5. We're exhausted. All the time. We wake up in the middle of the night when Layla cries, have to soothe her back to sleep and entertain her during the day. Say what?! Apparently, she doesn't realize we need our 8 hours. Or at least 5 - geez.

6. We finally appreciate the peace and quiet that comes when she's napping. No wonder our parents always talked about "peace and quiet". Kids - furry or otherwise - are noisy. Sometimes in a good way, sometimes in a bad way.

7. Layla's needs come first. Her items are first on the grocery list. Our vacation planning revolves around her. Our nightly routine has changed to include long walks in the park. Being selfish is no longer an option. And the weird thing? We don't mind putting her first. Scary, I know.

Anyway, these are just a few things I've noticed and it's only been two weeks. Can you imagine how we'll feel when she's six months old? 

And more importanlty, does this mean I get a Mother's Day present next year?

Jen & Nate

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